Well, Hi there! Thanks for popping by...
I'm Debs... the (Award winning)Celebrant in the Room!
Come on in and have a look at everything Embrace can offer...

In short, you can benefit from a 100% personalised ceremony created to meet your individual needs and requirements, understanding that we are all so individual! It is all about you. This is why so many of my lovely couples voted me as a winner in the Hitched 2024 Celebrants category! *Mini Brag Claxon!*

Fully Certified, you will find me in the Celebrant directory of the UK Society for Celebrants and with plenty of experience, you received a highly trained professional who can offer unique and personalised services to ensure that your ceremony reflects you and your loved ones.

Your ceremony is the heart of your day. If you want a day with fun, inclusivity, happy tears, or even a few spilled secrets in your ceremony, let’s chat!

Photo Credit: Different Perspective

If you are here, you probably already know the benefits of using a Celebrant for weddings, funerals and more. 

You are after something different, something deeply personal and something very much about life and love.

Planning a wedding and not sure on the difference between a Celebrant-led wedding and a Registrar wedding? Have a quick read of this.

If you are sadly planning a funeral, please head to my funeral website here

Head over here for more details about you.

A fully qualified Family and Wedding Celebrant (weddings, naming ceremonies +) and Funeral Celebrant (+ memorial) and quite adaptable to most vibes.  Read more here

Wherever you are based, we can make it work, so let’s not let a little thing like geography limit us.  Your ceremony is worked on over early mornings and late nights to make sure your ceremony scripts, written from scratch, are bang on perfect for who they are designed for.  Something ChatGPT cannot offer 😉

Your ceremonies are written and delivered with your input at every step of the journey and you will work alongside me to ensure that your story is told. 

It’s your story, no one elses.

I embrace all of the ethics and morals of an Independent Civil Celebrant, so you have the freedom to align a ceremony with your beliefs, wishes and values, including Humanism.

You can include any symbolism that suits your choice of life celebrations.  You can also veer off the traditional path and we can create any life ceremony you would like to plan.  You can see the standard services here and for innovative ceremonies we can think outside the box.

Let’s do this! let’s start chatting!

If I look like your kind of person get in touch. 

© Costas Weddings

I embrace people from all walks of life and believe that Love is Love whatever your sex or beliefs. 

How much is a celebrant?

Please check out the packages and prices for each ceremony type, but please remember that with an independent celebrant you can end up with fully bespoke creations.