Naming Ceremonies
Baby Welcoming and Naming Ceremonies

Bringing a new little human into the universe is an amazing experience and sharing your child’s entrance into the world doesn’t necessarily need to be a religious service. If you want to celebrate your gorgeous new-born, how about a Welcome and Naming ceremony?

From the moment your child is born, the first few weeks together as a family are precious (not to mention full on and sleep deprived occasionally!)
To buy you a bit of time as a family, and to be able to introduce your child to family and friends (in one go), you could consider not sharing your child’s name, then holding a ceremony a week or two after the birth. Pre-arranging your ceremony to announce you child’s name to your loved ones is one of many cultures oldest traditions and means that you get a little bit of “us” time too.
Alternatively, it is popular to have a naming ceremony on a child’s first birthday, a great opportunity to reintroduce your little one to family and friends and share some cake!

A naming ceremony can take place at a venue of your choosing, and can be as formal or informal as you like. You can hire a venue, use outdoor space, the garden, use that “special place” that your family covets… any venue is a possible venue with a naming ceremony.
You can prepare your own readings, or I can write them / supply some examples, and I encourage you to invite your family and “guide-parents” to be involved in the ceremony too.
I think it is great to include any symbolism that is important to you also, and we will run through the proceedings in detail together.
Please remember though: It is a legal obligation to officially register the birth of your child. In England and Wales that means you need to make an appointment at your local Register office. You need to get things sorted out within 42 days of the birth in England and Wales; 21 days for Scotland.
What is offered for Baby Naming Ceremonies?
- Initial introduction call / email to arrange a detailed ceremony planning meeting (medium of your choice, though I do suggest in person)
- Support with ideas and proof reading of readings and content
- Creation of a unique personal ceremony script, with your input
- Ongoing open communication including finalisation of ceremony logistics (this can include all parties involved)
- Ceremony professionally performed on the day
- Printed certificates, readings and promises sent post ceremony
Child Naming Ceremonies

Your child does not need to be a babe in arms to have an official welcome! Maybe all of your family and friends already know and love your child, but you want to give them a celebration of their own now they will remember what a fun day they had! That is no problem at all, and I often find the kids love being the centre of attention (and give plenty of opportunity for funny photographs on the day!)

Adult Naming Ceremonies

Perhaps your parents never gave you an official welcome to the world and you decide it is about time you had one!
Perhaps you have been adopted and officially changed your name.
Perhaps you want to be recognised by a new name and celebrate it, ideal for a trans or non binary person.
Perhaps you got divorced and cannot wait to change your name.
There are many reasons why an adult may want a ceremony to celebrate a name, and I would love to work with you on a bespoke basis to get the type of ceremony you want perfect.
What is offered for Child and Adult Naming ceremonies?
- Initial introduction call / email to arrange a detailed ceremony planning meeting (medium of your choice, though I do suggest in person)
- Support with ideas and proof reading of readings and content
- Creation of a unique personal ceremony script, with your input
- Ongoing open communication including finalisation of ceremony logistics (this can include all parties involved)
- Ceremony professionally performed on the day
- Printed certificates and readings sent post ceremony
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